Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sad Bastard Haiku

A haiku is a Japanese poem in three metrical phrases of 5, 7, and 5 syllables. A haiku in English usually appears in three lines

I have included hyphens for those of you who have to clap it out for accuracy.

Com-e-dy is hard
Ma-king peo-ple laugh is fun
But sucks with no pay

Plan-ning wed-ding's hard
Try-ing on a dress is fun
But sucks with no pay

Job search-ing is hard
Hav-ing job while search-ing's nice
But pays and still sucks

Pros-ti-tu-tion's hard
Wear-ing ne-on skirts is fun
But sucks to pay pimp

In that last hai-ku
A-bout be-ing a hook-er
Last line was a pun

Al-so in that one
Ne-on skirts have not been worn
since Pret-ty Wo-man

Blog-ging can be hard
Vent-ing a-bout life is fun
Com-ments are re-wards

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