Thursday, July 26, 2007


I had a great time performing at Del’s show Comedy for the F*** of It in the Village on Tuesday. The crowd was predominately black, and the subject of Luke being white came up as observed by the comedians. We had been in this situation before.

A year or more ago at The Chocolate Monkey (which has since closed down—presumably for calling itself The Chocolate Monkey), an insult comic named Inmate 067890 was hosting at the time and cracked on Luke’s attire, my breasts, the fact that we’re dating, “and he ain’t even rich! You’re supposed to marry UP, woman!” And that was AFTER we had both performed, so we didn’t get a chance to respond. The only thing I could think of to say was, “BOO!” This threw him off a little until he found an overweight waitress and started in on her.

I grabbed his flyer on the way out and cut out his face to keep in my apartment as a reminder of the kind of comic I want to be. So quick! So professional. And so many up-the-booty jokes. Will I ever get there?

I think it’s the right time to point out something that’s not so obvious. Luke isn’t white. He’s black, and he’s been black his whole life. Black people can have blue eyes, right Vanessa?

"Shometimes the shnow comes down in June. Shometimes the shun goes round the moon..."

I still don’t know why he wears sandals in the winter, but I think it has something to do with catching cabs. So if you see us at a show, and you want to comment on the fact that Luke looks white, just know that your joke is tired. Mostly it’s tired of being wrong.

Alibi Cocktail Lounge
116 MacDougal Street
ABCDEFV Trains to West 4th Street
West Village, Manhattan, NYC

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