Same Person.
Was anyone else confused when they saw Return to Oz around the same time they saw Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory? You see two girls who look like the same actress, but then you ask the lady at Blockbuster, and learn that the films were made fourteen years apart.
"Well, they can't be the same person then. What's this girl's name in the Oz movie?"
--Fairuza Balk.
"Wait. Isn't that the character's name in Wonka?"
--I don't think so.
"I have to watch it again."
Then you watch it again, and learn her name is Veruca Salt, and you think, "Well, that name is a character name." But you turn on the radio, and the DJ says, "Special appearance by the hip, young, funky and fresh Veruca Salt, this Saturday at the Hoosier Dome."
And you think, "Well is it a character or a real person?!" And you complain about it to your friends at 6th period lunch. They tell you that Veruca Salt is a cool new band, like Beck or Zhane.
So you resign yourself to the fact that it is a wacky coincidence. Two women with the same face and eerily similar names both happen to go into acting and make cult kid films. But then you watch Back the the Future, and everything becomes clear.
Performing tonight at Delusions of Spandex Show!
Parkside Lounge
317 E. Houston St (@ Attorney)
New York, NY 10017
7:00PM, FREE
I love cosmic twins!!! At some point, I'm going to release a list of all of the comedians who look like fake twins! That gets me amped for some reason.
DO IT! I just found a facebook group for celebrity lookalikes. I didn't join it because I want to end this nonsense that I look like the girl from Fraggle Rock.
Awesome!! Coming soon!!! Here's a little something to get you started. These are both NYC comedians:
BTW Do you remember my friend Lester Green from my show last week? He'll be performing at Five Points this Friday, so if you happen to run into him there, please make him feel at home.
I know Chris Serico too well to think he looks like that other gentleman, but I see a family connection with the dark hair and eyebrows and five o'clock shadow.
abbi, im in kim's video on bleecker street seven years ago, looking for something in the director's area and a short goth bumps into to me, catching one of her body rings on my sweater, while we untangle, i say, hi fairuza, she said, my friends call me veruca, then she winked and left.
Tommy, you're like the kid at the campfire who perpetuates the legend of ghost stories.
And now I'm confused all over again!
aight, here's the first session..
Fairuza Balk is the actress who was in "The Craft"...remember that movie? And yes, she also starred as a child actress in "Return to Oz". The actress that played Veruca Salt's character in "Charlie & the Chocolate Factory" was named Julie Dawn Cole.
The remake was "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". The original was "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory".
They all look the same because they are all jews - duh
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