Monday, November 1, 2010

Brushes with Celebrity (Impersonations)

Performed as Sarah Silverman on Schtick or Treat last week. I had a blast! Mindy Tucker (of With Reservation) took such great photos I posted mine on Twitter. Then, to my geeky delight, Ms. Silverman herself gave it her nod of approval!

Speaking of attention from celebrities, I heard Steve Buscemi admired my obscure Halloween costume of "Dionne Warwick on Hollywood Squares" while I marched in the annual Halloween parade in Park Slope. I missed him because I am a big shot, but I turned around and saw him enjoying the rest of the parade in his baseball cap.

Do you hear that plopping sound? That's me name-dropping.

Here's Dionne up close. The secret to her unique nostrils is buttons.

Other Halloween weekend festivities included a costume party, a clothing exchange at my place, pumpkin-carving, the toasting of pumpkin seeds, the hotting of chocolate, and the watching of the new Nightmare on Elm Street. I can't top this year, so next year I plan to join a religion that does not permit me to celebrate the holiday. I'll take your suggestions in the comments section.

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